Yifeng Tan

Yifeng Tan

Yifeng Tan is an Australian artist who was born in 1960 in Nanjing, China. Yifeng Tan’s development as an artist began as a propaganda officer for the communist government, producing works that extolled the ‘proletarian virtues’ of a fighting spirit, tenacity, and loyalty. His eye for beauty even in the mundane as well as his innovative techniques quickly brought him acclaim and prominence in the Nanjing art establishment. Now, Yifeng Tan spends his time travelling between China and Australia, finding that the frequent change in environment encourages him to express himself through his art. His movement fuels his curiosity and his incessant drive to seek out new ways to portray his insights into the human condition, to show through art the meaning of what it is to be human.

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Yifeng Tan