Paul Kelleher
Winner of Mosman 2019 Art Prize. Twenty-six years ago I went to Alexander Macey College before it became the now City Art Institute. Gaugin said “art is in my blood “, it seems to be in mine as well, but being the operations manager for a local construction company for the last 25 years it left little time to follow my hearts artistic pulse. Werner Heisenberg wrote “a complicated tissue of events in which connections of different kinds alternate or overlap or combine, determine the texture of the world….” This is the world of Circulating Imagery. Colour generates itself through the affinity of contrast. It repels or contradicts itself, multiples into possibilities of form which previously did not exist with each new element of colours that is created, are created new possibilities realizing themselves in their causation; some forms are created quickly others come slowly, identical or conflicting. But eventually, their values of direction become clear, giving rise to the cohesion of form. Although fragmented in parts their areas where their relationship becomes concrete, this outcome is Circulating Imagery.
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